
Call for applications: International Festival of Francophone Song - Les Nuits de Pologne 2022

On 6, 7, 8 and 9 October, the superb hall of Dom Muzyki i Tańca in Zabrze will host the second edition of Les Nuits de Pologne festival. In the first edition, the large stage welcomed 9 youth groups from all over Poland. We expect even more for this second edition. 

A celebration of the French language

Let's recall the principle for those who don't know it yet: it's a matter of choosing the song that moves you the most, that you want to embody on stage, in the rich Repertoire des Nuits. To bring together at least one person to sing and another to accompany the music (but you can be many more if you want!). To work on the piece in the FLE class, at home, on the bus, at your grandparents', in a word to work. And to come and present the fruit of your rehearsals in Zabrze, next October, on a real stage, with real lighting, in front of a real audience of young people and show business professionals.


It is about singing the song in its original language, i.e. in French. But you guessed it!


Would you like to participate but you are not sure? Discover the first edition of Les Nuits de Pologne and its participants. 

Come and discover the musical repertoire! All songs will be sent to you after registration with lyrics and scores! 

Little "extra" 2022

The festival is open to the international scene. That is, to young people from all over the world.

But also

- The authors of "your" songs, who were present at the first edition, will be able to be present this time. Come and applaud you and talk to you. 

- As for the teachers, they will be able to follow workshops designed to help them in their singing workshop practice in French classes.

- Various activities will be organised, including round tables and conferences with songwriters and entertainment professionals from around the world. 

- Finally, the records of the songwriters will be available for sale (and why not for signing if the artist is present!) throughout the festival at the Salon du disque. 


The young people selected to participate in the Nuits du Monde will be offered individual professional coaching of online French singing lessons  to prepare them even better for singing and stage techniques.

So :

- You are a student

- You are between 8 and 23 years old 

- Are available on 16, 17 and 18 September 2022 for the masterclass and on 6, 7, 8 and 9 October for the festival


You can register now!

Application deadline: 20 June 2022 

The conditions

- The group must not exceed 10 people and must consist of at least one singer and one musician,

- The song chosen must be from the Nuits du Monde repertoire,

- On site, accommodation and meals are organised and paid for by Nuits du Monde,

- The room and the basic technical equipment are made available for the rehearsals as well as for the concert,

- The cost of travel to the festival is borne by the participants,

- The cost of travel to the festival is borne by the participants. A participation fee of 200 zlotys for young people from Poland and 60 € for young people from other countries is requested.

The modalities

To participate in Les Nuits, you must first

- choose a song from the Repertoire (your choice must be mentioned in the form)

- fill in the famous application form

- attach the signed rules and regulations

- and, above all, the documents that will enlighten us about your performance


We will then proceed to the selection of the projects and will answer you by mail at the beginning of June.

The lucky ones will be invited to the masterclass in September (mandatory!)

Then, see you in Zabrze, under the spotlight!

Interested ?

Do not hesitate to contact us:  communication@liriscreation.com

Our team answers all your questions and supports you throughout the project.

Download the Festival rules (in French)
Document Adobe Acrobat 126.1 KB


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  • #1

    Nikobamye Angelo (lundi, 04 juillet 2022 09:28)


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