
Call for applications: Francophone music meetings - Les Nuits de Pologne 2023

On November 10, 11 and 12, 2023, Les Nuits de Pologne are back! A new edition that will take place in Poland, welcoming this year again, a dozen young international artists, and professional artists.

Media partner 

The French- language in the spotlight!

The principle is very simple: you choose the French song that touches you the most, that you want to perform on stage, in the rich Repertoire of the Nuits du Monde. To gather at least one person to sing, another to accompany the music (but you can be much more if you want!). To work on the piece in the FLE class, at home, on the bus, at your grandparents', in a word, to work. And to come and present the fruit of your rehearsals in Poland, next November, on a real stage, with real lighting, in front of a real audience of young people and show business professionals.

The stage, yes, but not only!

French song will of course be in the spotlight throughout this 2023 edition, thanks to the choice of songs, their interpretations, and thanks to the French professional artists who will be present again this year to accompany the students. Beyond what happens on stage, the students will benefit from a real professional follow-up: musical workshops, meetings and collaboration with professional artists, sound checks and rehearsals, studio recordings of their songs, video clips. And yes, this year again, les Nuits de Pologne are a real chance for the young participants to become professional!


You would like to participate but you hesitate? Discover the second edition of Polish Nights, the program, the participants and the invited artists!

Come and discover the musical repertoire! All songs will be sent to you after registration with lyrics and scores! 

The advantages of the 2023 edition

Les Nuits de Pologne remains open to young people from all over the world, all countries are welcome! 


But that's not all, the musical workshops and the accompaniment will be reinforced; the meeting and the collaboration with the invited professional artists will be in the heart of this new edition; the studio recordings and the clips become a compulsory part of the 2023 edition.

But also

- Teachers will be able to attend workshops designed to accompany them in their singing workshop practice in French classes.

- Various activities will be organized, including unique moments with songwriters and entertainment professionals from around the world




The young people selected to participate in the Nuits du Monde will be offered individual professional coaching of online French singing lessons  to prepare them even better for singing and stage techniques.

So :

- You are a student

- You are between 8 and 23 years old 

- Are available on 17, 18 and 19 September 2023 for the masterclass and on 10, 11 and 12 November for the event.


You can register now!

Application deadline: 28 July 2023

The conditions

- The group must not exceed 3 people and must consist of at least one singer and one musician,

- The song chosen must be from the Nuits du Monde repertoire,

- On site, accommodation and meals are organised and paid for by Nuits du Monde,

- The room and the basic technical equipment are made available for the rehearsals as well as for the concert,

- The cost of travel to the Francophone music meetings is borne by the participants,

- The cost of travel to the event is borne by the participants. A participation fee of 200 zlotys for young people from Poland and 60 € for young people from other countries is requested.

The modalities

To participate in Les Nuits, you must first

- choose a song from the Repertoire (your choice must be mentioned in the form)

- fill in the famous application form

- attach the signed rules and regulations

- and, above all, the documents that will enlighten us about your performance


We will then proceed to the selection of the projects and will answer you by mail at the end of June.

The lucky ones will be invited to the masterclass in September (mandatory!)

Then, see you in Poland, under the spotlight!

Interested ?

Do not hesitate to contact us:  communication@liriscreation.com

Our team answers all your questions and supports you throughout the project.

Download the Francophone music meetings rules (in French)
Document Adobe Acrobat 130.5 KB


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